Gobble til You Wobble

 Happy Thanksgiving!  

Thanksgiving is such an important holiday.  Yes, we get to gobble until we wobble but that is just a side benefit.  The true celebration is taking time to be thankful for our country and how very blessed we are to live in this great land.  We all know that America has its flaws. But we also know that is a land of great opportunity for those who live here.  

In  the 1600s brave pilgrims climbed aboard the Mayflower to sail to a new land.  The trip took them 3 months to get from England to Plymoth Rock.  They made one stop along the way.  The trip came with much seasickness and death.  But they persevered because they wanted to establish a country with freedom of worship.  

They had the first thanksgiving with their new neighbors, the Indians.  They were very different people. Each taught the other about their different culture.  They shared their food and were thankful.


This Thanksgiving truly count the varied ways you are blessed.   Focus on all the great things in  your life and you will find happiness and meaning to your life.


Moving forward,

Jeff Roach




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