A Freight Broker Success Story

 Joy Lanham is a true Brooke Training success story.  

She took the Freight Broker Training class in 2019 and hit the ground running.  She earned more than she could have inmagined her first year as a broker.  Her background prepared her for this home run.


She services a “very niche” customer base, she moves sand…lots and lots of sand.  For years, Joy worked in oilfield services, in fracking and in investor relations in eight locations.  She learned how to juggle a lot of balls without a mishap.


After her time in the oil field industry she started several businesses from ladies apparel to virtual assistance for entrepreneurs.  Joy has a ‘can do’ spirit that has served her well.


Now her passion is freight brokering.  Her brokerage is Last Mile Logistics.  When an oil well is drilled, frac sand is pumped in the last mile of the drilling hole to help produce oil. Last Mile’s main client stores sand and delivers the sand needed to the drilling locations.  The client has their own fleet of trucks but often need more truckloads of sand for a project.  That is where Joy comes in.  She and her team of brokers starts “dialing for dollars”… calling all her trusted carriers.  She fulfills her client’s carrier needs and everyone benefits.  She listens to her carriers and pays them on time.


Joy has developed a great relationship with carrier owners and their dispatch personnel. The mutually beneficial, trusting relationship she builds are the key to her success.  She first and foremost respects the drivers.  They risk their lives every day on the nation’s highways.  Big Rigs operators are professional drivers.  They pay intense attention to the road and the cars around them.  Drivers of cars are often distracted, so the big wheels watch out for them.  


Joy has plans to expand into water hauling, chemical hauling, and hauling materials like pipe and construction products.  Have questions?  Call her at 682-300-5767.  


Want to learn how to find success like Joy?  Join Brooke in one of live, live remote or online classes.   


Moving forward,


Jeff Roach



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