Happy Fourth of July

We live in a great country.  As far as I'm concerned it is the greatest country in the planet.  We have faults but we have more freedoms. This weekend as we celebrate our independence we can't forget the brave men and women who have served in our military.  Enjoy time with your friends and family but also reach out to a veteran or someone currently serving in a branch of the military.

Brooke Transportation Training is an approved Chapter 31 program approved to train disabled vets for a new career.  As a result I have the honor of saying thanks in person to scores of brave individuals who have given a part of themselves in service to the USA.

I ask them to tell me their stories if they are comfortable doing that.  For many, serving in the military was their only option as a job when they graduated from high school.  Once they are in the service they never know how or where they will serve.  Some leave behind children and wives, all leave behind family and friends.  They return to find many things changed.  Their children and siblings have grown and moved forward in life while they were away.  They have to get reacquainted with their spouses, this is a challenge to both.  And they have to find a new way to make a living.  We relish the opportunity to work with vets everyday as they move forward after serving our great country.

Independence Day is a day to celebrate our country... The freedoms we enjoy... The men and women who protect those freedoms.  

Enjoy the long weekend and thank a vet.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


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