Good Friday

Good morning to you on this Good Friday. We all need some good news in our world today.  There are too many things causing discord and disunity.  Today let us think about all that is good, all that brings us together.  We live in a world of different beliefs and I appreciate others right to decide what to believe. I believe in the God that sent His son as the savior of the world.

When I go hiking, the downhill is so easy.  It hardly takes any effort to go downward.  Likewise, it is easy to criticize, to grumble, finding fault everywhere.  Today, Good Friday we should purpose to do the most good, think the most good and find the good in every situation.  Today is called Good Friday because it is the day Christ did the most good.  He died to set men free, all men, good and bad.  A good person might die for another good person but who would die for the worst of sinners?  Jesus Christ did.

 There is no greater love than when one lays down his life for a friend.  Jesus laid down his life for all of mankind on the "Good Friday" 2022 years ago.  

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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