8 Child Success

I’m amazed by the diversity of individuals that go through Brooke Training and become successful agents. Here’s one woman’s story.

Barbara and her husband have a passion for kiddos. They have adopted eight beautiful children. Barbara has been a stay at home mom for years and loves every minute of it. What she and hubby didn’t like was living in Las Vegas. Their dream was to move to Missouri with their clan but they lacked the money. She had to find a way to earn some money from home while raising her family. What to do? Barbara thought and prayed and her sister came to her mind. Sis is a freight broker agent in Utah. Barbara decided to go work with her sister to see if she might be able to do the same work. She thought she could, so next step was real training. Barbara searched online and found Brooke Transportation Training. She called me and soon signed up for class.

“Going to class has so hard because in 23 years I’d never left my family. It was very scary for me. I can be overcome by anxiety. But because I knew this is what I was supposed to do, I went. I got a lot out of school. And I met Doug Dillon at GFirst. Deciding to be an agent for him was the best for me.” Barbara says

That was a year ago. Today Barbara is turning a good profit as a freight broker agent, loving living in Missouri with her family. I asked her what motivates her to push on through the cold calling rejection. She says sometimes she just takes a breather. She depends on faith, hugging her babies, fishing and crafts to clear her mind and start back on her work fresh. The flexibility of her hours make all that possible.

Barbara comes in and speaks to our class when she can and share with the students thoughts on what has helped her succeed. More of that tomorrow.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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