Broker or Agent?

Yesterday I told you Barbara’s story of becoming a freight broker agent.

Most students come to Brooke Transportation Training thinking they are going to open and operate their own freight brokerage. Most change their mind along the way and decide to be an agent under another brokerage. In either case, you are your own boss. But as an agent you have some back up. It is similar to being an insurance agent. You can be John Smith Insurance or John Smith agent for State Farm insurance. We invite brokerages to come in on Friday of our class and talk to the students about their opportunities. We have the biggest names in the industries as well as smaller brokerages present their opportunities.

Barbara raves over how choosing to be an agent for G First was absolutely a God send for her. She says be careful when you are picking an agent. “Doug (at G First) is the reason I made it. Doug has been a huge part of my success. My move from Las Vegas to Missouri did not go at all as smooth as I hoped. When I was overwhelmed with the move, he kept my business running. He closed a big deal I’d been working on for months. For six months I kept calling on this company and couldn’t get past the gatekeeper. Only Twice was I let through to talk directly to the shipper. The shipper finally gave us I load while I was out. Doug took care of the work. My advice is to pick a broker you can count on. Team effort keeps the team together.”

Those are words from someone who has lived it. Have a great weekend and never stop chasing those dreams.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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