What is a trade school?

According to wise geek , a vocational or trade school is a school which focuses on providing graduates with marketable skills. After graduating from a trade school, an individual will be able to immediately enter the job market with his or her skills, and be able to receive a high rate of compensation.

Brooke Transportation Training is a trade school. We aim to make our school as effective as possible by setting up a working brokerage during the week of school. Brooke does not have a working brokerage so we are not helping ourselves by training agents. Our largest group of students are disabled vets and others with disabilities that the government pays us for training. Our school is highly regulated in order to qualify as a certified vet training institution.

I am an agent for Doug Dillon at Gfirst Logistics. He is one of my previous students and an approved instructor. I choose to be an agent for Doug to stay in the game and to service the customers I have made over the years. I would never endorse one broker over another. I introduce my students to have many choices on free Friday resource, the last day of training. One size does not fit all. Different people will fit in different places. Recruiters, large and small brokers and well known and not so well known brokers come to our resource day to talk with our student. They know we teach the right stuff. Our graduates are truly prepared to hit the ground running. We are protective of our graduates in that we only allow companies we trust to recruit students. We provide knowledge and opportunity.

Brooke receives no placement money from any broker nor is officially associated with any broker. It is a blast to get to know all the students that come my way and help them blaze a new career path. That is why I do what I do.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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