Career Advice

People pay me for career advice. I do my best to help people start over in business. I get to experience with them the rise of their companies from the blood, sweat and tears of their hard work. It is incredibly cool for someone to call me a year after they graduate to share with me their success. Their story is not, “I'm a millionaire”. It's “I am supporting myself moving five loads a day and I am happy.”

So what I am going to do today is share with you what Joy is all about and what I think about some stuff that has to do with stuff other than making money. I thought it may be too spiritual in nature then realized it was my blog and is about me so hey - deal with it...LOL

Regardless of what anyone thinks we should be in life, we should be honest and see clearly where we are. If we are in a place we don't want to be - we can make decisions to move in a different direction.

Every day ask God to give you the desires of your heart. It is impossible to earn his blessings. He wants to make you happy like you want to make your children happy except with God he is love with a much bigger concept of love than we can fathom. He is the perfect father. I wish my children could experience me as the perfect father but they can't. There is only one perfect father and he is God.

He wants you to have the desires of your heart. He gives you a roadmap and also gives grace realizing that we are human and we are not going to be perfect. Don't try to be. It will drive you insane and everyone who knows you already knows you’re not perfect. None of us are. It is the pursuit of perfection that causes addictions. Perfect is not an option in life. Give yourself a break. We are our own worse critic.
Give yourself permission to fail. Try new stuff. If you’re not failing at something - you’re not trying enough new stuff.

What GOD does not want is for you to be always unhappy, without joy and love.

You do have the right to be happy.

Get real and get honest and you will have a testimonial that will move people.

God knows what you need - he just wants you to be thankful, to ask, then wait and see what path he takes you down.

It may not be the path you planned or expected but trust me - He will lead, if you release everything to him. (Choose faith - Fear and Faith are exact opposites - where there is fear there is no faith.
Ask God for faith in the fearful areas of your life and then hold on for dear life. Enjoy the ride, week-to-week, day-to-day, and moment-to-moment. Once this day is gone -it's gone forever. Time can't be replaced. Make the most of your time. Why not? We are not here simply to consume - we are here to give. There are no happy takers, only happy givers. Attitude is everything; perseverance is a close second and focus on progress not perfection. I wish I could say I was a great example of doing everything right, I am not but I am very certain that these words are true.

It's not the messenger - it’s the message that is important. This message is to all of our daily readers. Our blog readership is substantial. I am honored and humbled.

I think this is what we are supposed to do and I also think we should laugh, smile and hope for the best. Take personal responsibility and live.

Jeff Roach - President
Brooke Transportation Training Solutions

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