The Clock Vs. The Buck

We are incredibly rich in the world’s economy. Yet we run around like chickens with our heads cut off in a state of frustration when we get caught at a traffic light or have to wait in the Express line (what does the word express mean?).

In your world what is more important: time or money? In your customer’s world what is more important: time or money. Money is important but you can always earn more of that. You cannot get back wasted time. And as the clichĂ© says time is money. The precious commodity of time makes our service as freight brokers even more critical.

Time is Far More Valuable Than Money. A customer’s business is on the line with every delivery. Can you imagine going to Christmas shop and the shelves are empty because the truck didn’t show in time? Help your prospects understand the value of your service. You started out by calling them and telling them you specialize in expedited critical care freight services – white glove treatment. Your rate has to be higher to be able to find a truck when no one else can. You tell your customer this is your niche during the building stage of the relationship. What are you building? Trust – that’s right.

You build trust by doing what you say your going to do when you say your going to do it. Tell your prospect up front that you can control only one thing in this business. That is your ability to establish trust with both the shipper and the carrier by looking out for both of their best interest with excellent communication all along the way. I can’t and you can’t drive the truck. With man and machine things break, but you can for sure communicate with the shipper. Most shippers want more than anything to have someone they can trust and someone who can deliver what they promised. Service and Communication. Your product is your ability to build trust and your ability to communicate the status of that load from pick up to delivery.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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