The Harvest Takes Time

We live in a get rich quick, I want it today, instant gratification society. Making money as a freight broker or agent takes time. I tell all my students to have at least 6 months of living expenses saved up before starting their business. You can comfortably live off those savings while you take the time to plant sales seeds, water then harvest some loads.

Be patient, diligent and focused

You have to be patient, especially during the initial start-up phase of your brokerage or agency. Just as in any new business, it takes time to begin building up your clients, so it will be awhile before your revenue begins coming in. Think of the your personal relationships. They took time to develop. Some friends you’ve made along the way have stuck, some have not. Business relationships work much the same. It takes time for you to find customers who fit with your style and for customers to have faith in you.

You have to be focused and diligent during this time. As I wrote about yesterday, keep good records of correspondences. You must focus in on making as many calls as you can, to begin building up these relationships that are going to make your business successful. The sale itself takes patience. It takes about eight to nine touches for a customer to make a change – this includes phone calls, emails, rate quotes sent, cards, personal visit, etcetera. You have to be top of mind when they have a critical load.

Attitude is everything, but perseverance is a close second.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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