The Organized Freight Broker/Agent

A successful freight broker or agent is detail oriented and organized. I am not organized by nature so I have to work hard at sticking with my systems. A prospect will not feel confidant in giving you his business if they don’t think you can keep up with the details. After all they pay extra to a freight broker to handle details that others let slip. Be a detailed record keeper.

You must be able to keep good records, such as:

*Contact records from your calls
*Records of rate quotes and dates you sent out
*Dispatch records
*Motor carrier records, including their 1099 information,
Types of equipment, insurance certificates and safety records
*Shipper records and details
*Contracts with your carriers/customers/agents if you’re a
*Your filing systems should be set up so that your information
Is easily accessible at your fingertips

Most brokerage operations software programs that you can purchase have systems built in to make you more organized. They supply forms, dispatch records, etc that keep you organized and professional.

Learn your software so you can use it to the greatest advantage. Keep as much as you can on your computer and back it up. Papers are easily misplaced. I often write something on a piece of paper then type it into my to do list on my computer. I’ll more likely remember if I’ve written and typed the item.

So my tip for the day is to look at your desk, how can it be better organized with the things you use the most at your fingertips. Clutter makes you feel unorganized, reducing clutter helps you work with more efficiently.

Moving forward

Jeff Roach

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