Economic Boom

Just finished reading a Washington Times article by Patricia Hill Shale Oil Fuels Boom in U.S. Economy.

 It is amazing what new technology has unleashed.  Because of American genius in finding a way to extract oil from shale, a natural resource found in plentiful supply in various parts of the U.S., we as a nation may once again become energy independent.  Our energy costs are going to drop.  Not only will we not need to buy oil from other countries to supply our need,  other countries are building manufacturing plants here because of the lower cost for energy, bringing more manufacturing jobs here.

Patricia’s article focuses on the boom that is happening in Corpus Christi because of shale.  She mentions many other areas of the country that are enjoying this economic boost as well.

This booming industry will increase the need for freight brokers all over, to negotiate the transportation of an abundance of products needed for shale production.  As I’ve posted about before, finding a niche in the transportation industry is one way to develope loyal customers.  When a shipper is confidant in your ability to ship their product they will call on you again and again.

So if you want to get in on this new “gold rush” consider becoming a freight broker.  Our school sells knowledge and opportunity. Invest one week and $2500 with us and you’ll be ready to be a freight broker agent.  It's like getting a franchise for the price of the course. Top brokers recruit from my school.  With all the new laws and the capacity issues, it is wise to get training. Join us in finding creative solutions for evolving challenges for both the shipper and the carrier.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


  1. I appreciate the post! I've just been hired on as a produce freight broker, but have no idea what I'm doing. This helped me a ton though! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this! I have always wondered what life would be like for freight brokers... This blog is great!

  3. Good luck with your new positions as freight brokers. There are some great opportunities for you in today's economy.
