Give and Still Keep

"Among the things you can give and still keep is your word, a smile and a grateful heart."- Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar is one of my greatest inspirations.  I have built my company and my personal life on a lot of his sayings.  He is the king of a positive attitude. This picture is a view out my window.  Now that helps me keep a good attitude.  I don't have a mansion but God sure painted me a great picture to enjoy every day out my window.

Know that when you deal with me, I keep my word.  I keep my promises.  That is what I purpose to do.  If I ever break a promise I purpose to right the wrong quickly.  That is more of a challenge than it sounds, I think.  Keeping your word goes beyond not lying.  In keeping your word you do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it with no excuses without an expectation of reward.   Our world teaches us to spin our words, in other words tell the truth mostly but word it to your benefit.  Massage the words so they sound better.  We've learned that from the media, from politicians and from advertising.  How often do others really check the facts after all?  That is why we hear so many empty promises and are tempted to fall for the get rich quick schemes, be thin in a week promises and take a pill to solve any ill ads.

I know in the long run, we are treated as we treat others.  Cheaters get cheated.  Encouragers get encouraged.  Eventually, we all get paid back the way we doled it out.  We have all probably been the target of a scam or two.  Some scams have tragic consequences, some are just an irritant.  But we can  be confidant in knowing that the scammer will suffer consequences of cheating others.  We need to make smart choices and set healthy boundaries with those who are not living with integrity.  In the grand scheme God is in control even when we think we are calling the shots.

Take your focus off what went wrong in your day.  Focus on what went right.  Post an inspirational photo on facebook or your blog to try to share your good attitude.  Don't try to get even, just smile and be thankful for all that has gone right in your life. 

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, I just found your blog today. I have been doing the Freight Broker/Agent Training Course through Ed2go for the last few months and all is going mostly well, except for the few life distractions. I was heartened by your encouragement to remember that in the grand scheme of things, God is in control. I have seemed to have forgotten this. Thank you for bringing me this message of hope and faith, and for reminding me:its not just about making big bucks but about serving people and the business community. What a beautiful scene out your window! God has blessed you, indeed! Looking forward to hearing more great things from your blog. Blessings to you,Jeff! MR
