Bless Others

The news we heard about the Typhoon that hit the Philippines was dramatic and heart renching.  But as the news reporting over the devastation left by Typhoon Haiyan has settled down, the people in the Philippines continue to clean up the mess.  

God blesses us not so we can get more stuff but so that we can bless others.  When I truly recognize how much I have been given in education, encouragement, in food, shelter and clothes I then can give out of my surplus.  As I give out of my surplus and find more contentment I can then give sacrificially.

As I think through what to give as Christmas gifts I'd much rather donate in someone's name rather than buy some gift they probably don't need.  So find a cause you believe in and give as we celebrate the greatest gift ever. 

I recently received this plea from a linked in associate:

SEO and Internet Marketing Top Contributor
My country was devastated by the strong Typhoon Haiyan. 10,000 people are feared dead and millions of my fellow countrymen are now homeless.

We are currently holding a crowd funding campaign here:

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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