Today, December 3rd is the National Day of Giving. I started my school to give others some of the knowledge I've learned along the way and to help them get ahead in life. Zig Ziglar's words have encouraged me in that: "You will get what you want in life if you help others get what they want." I learned in Sunday school many decades ago, "Do unto others as you would have done to me." A great program that practices this mantra is the Prison Entrepreneur Program (PEP). They give those in prison the opportunity to turn their skills into a positive. Since few employers will hire someone with a record, the PEP trains them to be an entrepreneur. I was waiting on my car to get an oil change when I struck up a conversation with the man next to me. Turns out he was in prison for dealing drugs and now is an entrepreneur in the automobile industry. He told me that as a drug dealer I
he was running a small business. He had "employees", budgets, distribution, inventory, balance sheets, etc. He just needed encouragement to use his skills on the "right" side of the law. You may be sitting next to an ex-felon and not even know it. I've been given plenty of second chances so I feel obligated to do the same.
Think through how you can give of your time, money and kindness today. Practice Radom Acts of Kindness. Hopefully others will catch on and follow your lead. At the end of the day assess how you feel after spending a day unselfishly.
Moving forward,
Jeff Roach
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