Good Friday

Do you know why today is called Good Friday?  
Is it because it's good to have a day off? The end of the week is always anticipated. But, since today is also a holiday, we have twice the reason to celebrate. 

Go ahead and enjoy this special time with family and friends. Try to put your work aside and cherish this day with those close to your heart, but don’t let the day end with truly reflecting on why it is Good Friday. 

In Germany they call this day mourning Friday. Jesus was crucified, so the disciples mourned. But, I prefer calling it Good because the disciples mourning only lasted until Sunday when Jesus defeated death by rising from the dead.  

It is good for all who believe because forgiveness and salvation are theirs. Jesus lived a perfect life, died a horrific death, then rose again to defeat death. He did it all for us because of love. We can put our trust in Him.  So, it is the day of the greatest good.  The day one man sacrificed it all for the good of all mankind. 

Go out and have a good day, friends.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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