How to Enroll in Online Vocational Training

Here at Brooke Training, our mission is to educate the “go-getters” and the “go-givers.” Although our main focus is to train motivated individuals to enter the exciting transportation industry and start careers as freight brokers and agents, we also offer a wide variety of other online vocational courses.

In addition to our online freight broker training course, some of the top courses we offer include Medical Billing and Coding, Pharmacy Technician, Certified Medical Administrative Assistant, and Clinical Dental Assistant. 

The next question that may come to your mind is, “How do I enroll in these courses?”  

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to enroll:

1. Visit our Website and click Online Career Center

2. In the top right-hand corner, click the Search Icon

3. Type the Course (or keyword) you are interested in enrolling, and click Go

4. Find your course and click Learn More 

5. Click Enroll Now, create an account and start your journey to an exciting new career! 

I hope this guide was helpful for those who are interested in enrolling in one of our many online vocational courses. Don't hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions at all! (214) 206-1169 **Financing options are also available**

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach
cell: 817-897-0681
office: 214-206-1169

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