A Peaceful, Prosperous Life

What is your formula for a peaceful, prosperous life?   Living at peace does not mean you live without conflict.  Just as having a prosperous life, does not mean you have a lot of money.

We live at peace when we learn from our mistakes, stay humble and trust in God.  Living that way gives us prosperity in our hearts.

We all have conflict in our lives with people and with situations. Living at peace, to me, means having an inner calm even when things around you are out of control.  I must admit I am sometimes the one who stirs up strife. When I do I purpose to make things right again.  We learn a lot from our mistakes. Take the time to figure out what you can learn from each mistake.  Stay humble and be willing to learn.  Ask God for guidance all along the way. After all He has it all figured out already.

My favorite way of smoothing out the conflict is with humor. Laughing of course lightens the mood. Laughing burns calories. And laughing releases "feel good" endorphins into your system.  Children tend to laugh much more than adults. So if you need more laughter in your life hang out with more little ones.  Their laugh is contagious even when you have no idea what they are laughing about. I would like laugh more.

Find something you love to do, work at it hard,  do it a lot and you will be prosperous.

As a freight broker I have had to deal with conflict when a load gets lost or when a carrier hits bad weather but I have experienced peace when I helped all the parties involved find solutions.

At our school we teach our students how to be a successful freight broker.  But I find more joy in coaching them on how to have a successful life in other ways.  Join us for a week of training soon. I'd love to chat with you about peace and prosperity.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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