Moving toward Success

received an email from a very successful financial counselor that gave me 3 letters that are keys to success.  These keys apply in the financial world, as well as in the freight broker world:


Discipline Dictates Action

This applies in so many ways when it comes to achieving success. It was the discipline instilled in us growing up, that we continue to this day, that dictates our actions and is largely responsible for our success. 

There are misguided people in this world who believe that success in life comes from luck or knowing the right people. While that does happen, it certainly isn’t the norm. 

The truth is, success is dictated by daily habits and how we spend our time. Those who are most successful have very specific patterns. What may appear on the outside to be easy or lucky is simply the visible result of unseen disciplined effort. 

I must admit that I have a tendency to break rules.  As a child I would be disciplined for my rebellion.  So I used to view discipline as negative and difficult. Now I see discipline as a means to achievement.  The truth is… in the long run, it’s far easier to be disciplined than living with the consequences of not being disciplined. 

Every day is a new opportunity to be productive and find new success.  In freight brokering so much of success is determined by having the discipline to make a lot of phone calls, texts and emails to potential customers.  Truly listen and learn from that potential customer what they need.  Then have the discipline to follow through in filling their need.

At Brooke we teach a proven process for freight brokers.  Have any questions?  Give me a call. 

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

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