Great Career Training

                 Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center in Garland, Texas


Everyone loves a good story.  This one starts when I met a couple of men who stand tall among men.  The work they do will have a grand impact on the future. 


 Joe Guiterrez,  and Coleman Bruman are a principle and a teacher who really care about their students in Garland Independent School District.


Brooke Training was asked to come and talk to the phenomenal students of Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center.  We were very honored to be invited.  It was a great day.  We had a wonderful time with lots of laughs.  Tish Cozine, one of our amazing instructors, demonstrated to the students how to be a freight broker.  In 15 minutes she closed a deal on a load while all the students watched in awe.  The load was tendered, she covered it and dispatched the driver.  The kids actually helped her with the posting of the loads, rating, and sending over rate confirmation.  In class that day they were doing the real job of a freight broker and loving it.  They learned the exact process we teach in our freight broker training course. 


Tish shared with the class that she had 45 other loads like that one that she will handle in the next week and every week until further notice.  That is residual freight, freight that goes on the same truck or trucking company every week.  That is the kind of freight all brokers love. The students used their math skills to figure out how much money she would make that next week based on the deal Tish just brokered.     The students were enthusiastic, respectful and eager to learn.  They saw the value of good, honest work, professional dealing and negotiating. 


I see a bright future for these students.  At Brooke we hope to have more opportunities to interact with high school students interested in great careers in the transportation industry. They can prepare for a prosperous future online as a freight broker/agent, dispatch, supply chain, green supply chain and entrepreneur courses.  


If you know of a career center that would enjoy this presentation, give me a call.

Moving forward,


Jeff Roach'






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