Resurrection Day is Coming

This week Christians, all over the world, reflect on Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s last week on earth.  Thursday night was a remembrance of when Jesus and his disciples had their last supper together, the Passover meal.  They broke bread and drank wine.  Those two elements have since been a reminder of Christ’s body and blood sacrificed for all of mankind.   


Today is Good Friday, reflecting the day Christ was sacrificed on a cross for the forgiveness of sins to all who believe.   It was a rough, confusing day for those closest to Jesus.  It seemed to be a tragic day for them when they witnessed the death of  their friend Jesus, the man they put their hope in. Jesus had predicted and told them all that would happen, yet they didn’t understand.  It was unbelievable, but it happened.  Even Jesus didn’t want to die that way, but he chose to because He loved mankind.


But that is not the end of the story.


On Sunday morning when ladies came to the tomb to anoint Jesus body in the Jewish tradition, Jesus body was gone.  The only thing left in the tomb were the burial wrappings that had been on his body.   He had said he would rise from the dead and it appeared that he did.  It is quite a story.    Yet 2000+ years later millions have believed and lived their life trusting in Jesus and His love.


I don’t ever want to offend anyone that has a different belief, that is not my intention.  I enjoy listening to and respecting the beliefs of others.


Enjoy these days to celebrate time with family,  laugh as the little ones hunt for eggs and get extra rest.  Let’s seek peace for all of mankind.


Moving forward,


Jeff Roach


 This week Christians all over the world have reflect on Jesus last week on earth.  Last night was a remembrance time of when Jesus and his disciples had their last supper together, the Passover meal.  The broke bread together as a 

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