Friday is Career Day


Every Friday of our Basic Freight Broker Training Course is Career Day… or Resource Friday.


After learning the ins and outs of being a freight broker in our course we introduce graduates to Freight Brokers who are looking for agents.  Talk with these successful Freight Brokers  about becoming an agent or starting your own brokerage. It is a win-win situation.  The freight brokers that offer opportunities on Friday know that Brooke training is thorough.  They know we teach with integrity and enthusiasm.  So when they find a graduate that likes their opportunity it is a winning situation for both.


We also have service companies who can help with the set up of a brokerage office, financing needs, load board insider information, and more.  


We have a variety of professionals Brooke has worked with over the decades in the industry.  We put out the invitation and get a great response.  The mix of who comes to resource Friday varies but the quality of opportunities is always rich.


We’d love to sign you up for our freight broker training course, in English or 
Spanish.  Spend a week with us, learn what is needed, then get a career opportunity handed to you on a silver platter.


I thrive on meeting our students, seeing them grow in knowledge during the week then find the career opportunity that is right for them.  


Join us soon.


Moving forward,


Jeff Roach

214- 206-1169

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