He Came to Serve

Those in the Christian community have begun their "Holy Week".  (the remembrance of last week of Jesus life on earth)  The week started out amazing.  Palm Sunday.  As Jesus rode into town the crowds adored him, laid palm branches and their coats on the dirty pathway for him to ride through.  They yelled out praises to Him, honoring him as royalty.  He only lived a short 33 years on this earth yet we are still talking about him 2000 years later. He accomplished all he came to do in the time he had.  He didn't waste a minute.  We can learn a lot from his life, his legacy and his humble example.  He was all God and all man.  He can relate to our lives while he can see the future of all mankind.  

As this last week of Jesus life moved forward he spent time with his best buds, the 12 disciples.  He told them about what was to come but they didn't understand.  He had a passover meal with all 12 even the one that would betray him.  He washed their feet...a task usually performed by a lowly servant.  He was the son of God, God in the flesh yet he didn't use status to impress others.  

The night before he would be killed he took some of his disciples into the garden to pray.  He prayed so hard he sweated blood.  He asked that this cup be taken from him but if that was not God's plan he submitted to God's will.  The plan would give all men the pathway to a personal relationship with God.  In that garden, Jesus friends fell asleep.  Jesus woke them just as the guards came to take him away to be crucified.  

The day of crucifixion is now called Good Friday.  Why good?  It appeared the evil had triumphed.  But Jesus didn't stay dead. He conquered death for him and for all who believe.  That was good for us all.

Sunday when some ladies who loved Jesus came to the cave/grave they found it empty.  That was the first Easter.  

Easter is a celebration of the risen Savior, of new life and joy.

Moving forward

Jeff Roach


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