Enjoy a Day filled with Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving Day I’m reflecting on the amazing blessings dropped in my lap.
  I’m thankful for a God of second chances.  He has graciously picked me up from the mud and let me start over.   

I am incredibly blessed with 3 daughters and 4 granddaughters, each talented in their own special way.  


I love and respect my handful of friends.  They treat me with love and respect.  I am thankful I get to work with them in my business.


I am thankful for my little cabin on the lake and for my walking buddy dog, Dasher. 


 Most of all I am thankful for the beautiful gift God gave me in my wife, Janis.  I love doing life with her.  


Happy Thanksgiving,


Jeff Roach


Thank a Vet

Today is Veteran's Day (originally called Armistice day) set aside to honor those who have served our country and served us in many ways.  It is a national holiday established to celebrate the end of World War I.  I have had the honor and privilege to meet and train many veterans in our freight broker training school.  I highly respect these men and women.  I have found them to be self sacrificing and disciplined.  They excel in our school and go on to be successful brokers.  Their discipline and loyalty is heartwarming.

Our military is a peace keeping organization. Their goal is not aggression but order.  We don't  go out to conquer but to bring peace to all nations.  I am proud of that.  Other nations go out to conquer, dominate and take over.  That is not the goal of our military.  

Take time today to thank someone who has served in the military.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach
