Merry Christmas

 Wishing you and your a very joy filled Christmas celebration and a Happy New Year!!

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

Enjoy a Day filled with Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving Day I’m reflecting on the amazing blessings dropped in my lap.
  I’m thankful for a God of second chances.  He has graciously picked me up from the mud and let me start over.   

I am incredibly blessed with 3 daughters and 4 granddaughters, each talented in their own special way.  


I love and respect my handful of friends.  They treat me with love and respect.  I am thankful I get to work with them in my business.


I am thankful for my little cabin on the lake and for my walking buddy dog, Dasher. 


 Most of all I am thankful for the beautiful gift God gave me in my wife, Janis.  I love doing life with her.  


Happy Thanksgiving,


Jeff Roach


Thank a Vet

Today is Veteran's Day (originally called Armistice day) set aside to honor those who have served our country and served us in many ways.  It is a national holiday established to celebrate the end of World War I.  I have had the honor and privilege to meet and train many veterans in our freight broker training school.  I highly respect these men and women.  I have found them to be self sacrificing and disciplined.  They excel in our school and go on to be successful brokers.  Their discipline and loyalty is heartwarming.

Our military is a peace keeping organization. Their goal is not aggression but order.  We don't  go out to conquer but to bring peace to all nations.  I am proud of that.  Other nations go out to conquer, dominate and take over.  That is not the goal of our military.  

Take time today to thank someone who has served in the military.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


500 Five Stars!!!

Well not all of our google reviews are 5 stars but almost.  We are just about to hit our 500th glowing Google review.  99.1% of the reviews have a 5 star rating.  I am so very honored to work with a team that is second to none.  They are ultimate professionals who work with excellence and integrity everyday.  The students love the course.  The teachers love the opportunity to instruct.  

We have a passion for passing on secrets to success in the transportation industry as well as in life.  Our instructors really know the business.  They are great motivators as well.  Each month I love to read the google reviews and watch the video testimonials.  Our students are full of enthusiasm for the future after taking the course.  They are quite entertaining to watch.  

If you think you'd like a change in your career or would like to be more in control of your future.  Give me a call.  I can tell with just a few questions if freight brokering is a good match for you.  We have a slew of other online courses that can boost you into a great new future.  Stretch your brain, grow your income and have fun in the process.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


Columbus Day
declares:  Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492, and Columbus Day 2021 occurs on Monday, October 11. It was unofficially celebrated in a number of cities and states as early as the 18th century, but did not become a federal holiday until 1937. For many, the holiday is a way of both honoring Columbus’ achievements and celebrating Italian-American heritage. 

But throughout its history, Columbus Day and the man who inspired it have generated controversy, and many alternatives to the holiday have proposed since the 1970s including Indigenous Peoples' Day, now celebrated in many U.S. states and cities.  Why can't we celebrate both?

Christopher Columbus' brave journey to find a new land, establish a new country with religious freedom is part of our history.  The Indigenous people and their amazing resilience in living off the land and then adjusting to the development of America is also a part of our history.  Both sides experienced great hardship amidst great adventure, bloodshed and healing.  We live in an imperfect world alongside others who have good and bad life experiences.

Let's celebrate the goodness in others.  Help those who are struggling along the way and do the very best with what God has entrusted to us. 

Take time this Columbus Day to be thankful to live in a flawed but amazing country of opportunity.  Reflect on your blessings.  Meet someone new with a different background than yours.  Celebrate our bonds and our differences.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

Succeed in the New Economy

We have all had to adapt in many ways to the new way we work.  According to Money magazine, article by Ana Lucia Murilla, working from home has increased the number of hours workers work by as much as 4 per week.  This extra work can lead to stress, exhaustion, burn out and turn over.  

Even so, most workers enjoy working from home.  

Brooke Transportation Training Solutions are experts in doing business in the new digital post COVID world.  We have taught our courses both live and online for most of our 30 years in training.  During COVID we started "live, online" training.  It is the best of both worlds. An instructor is online with you via zoom training students through our proven methods for success.  They teach industry knowledge as well as skills for a better life.  Students testimonials praise the depth and enjoyment of the course.

If you'd like to learn how to be more expert at running your business in this new environment give us a call.  We love to share what we have learned.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 through October 15th Hispanic Heritage Month.  Join us in celebrating the cultures that have added to America's greatness. Enjoy the colorful art, mariachi music and spicy tastes that abound in our great country because of the influence of our southern neighbors.  At Brooke Transportation Training we have an incredibly talented instructor for our Spanish course, Monica Jaramillo. We are honored to have many Hispanics benefit from our freight broker training course in Spanish.

Because our country conducts a lot of business with Spanish speaking countries, the need for Spanish speaking transportation professionals is great.  Monica is skilled at dispatch, freight brokering and knowledgeable about all of the transportation industry.  She not only teaches the skills needed for success, she helps her graduates after the course find their niche in the industry.  

Hola, yo soy Monica Jaramillo! Soy nacida y criada en la ciudad fronteriza de Laredo,TX. Tengo 14 años de experiencia en la industria del Transporte.  read more

So if you'd like to joint the exciting, fast paced world of transportation.  Give us a call.  214-206-1169.

Or contact Monica directly at 956-415-5747.

Start a new career where the future is bright.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


Need some Job Security?

Do you want to learn a rewarding career that is in high demand, really high demand?  Walmart and Amazon are hiring around 40,000 supply chain professionals, NOW.  As our economy continues to recover, grow and upcoming holidays approach the need for Supply Chain Professionals will skyrocket.  And they earn really good money.  They earn $84,000 and up per year according to Glasstire.

Supply chain professionals are a critical part of our economy.   They work out the logistics of getting products from production through the warehouse carried on trucks into stores and finally the hands of consumers.  The many steps along the way have to be coordinated by professionals who stay on top of the details.  Brooke has an awesome bundled class, Certified Supply Chain Professional and Freight broker/Agent Training.   It is a great bundle with many career opportunities.  

Learn the skills needed to excel in these careers.  The course is all online so you can learn from the comfort of your home with the support of online trainers.  If you are ready to jump into the fast paced world of supply chain and transportation sign up today.  Learn the proven techniques for success.  You will be given work opportunities at the end of the training.   Give us a call with any questions.  

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach



Enjoy Labor Day


Labor Day is a holiday signed into law by President Grover Cleveland on June 8, 1848.  The law was decades in the making during the Industrial Revolution.  America's economy changed from being primarily agriculture focussed to Industrial focussed.  Labor Union's were formed to negotiate better working conditions for the working class.  Back then, industries ran 7 days a week, working the employees 12 to 14 hours a day.  Through strikes and negotiations, over years, industries recognized needs of employees and adjusted.  The fight to have a reasonable work environment wasn't easy.  But those things that are hard earned are more valuable.  We need to be thankful to those in our heritage who fought for our working rights.  

Labor Day is a day to celebrate a country with freedoms in our workplaces.  A land where the immigrant can come here with nothing and build a career.  We should be thankful we can earn a great wage while still having time for our family and friends.  

I am thankful for the opportunity in American that I have had.  I'm not brilliant. I have just been able to use my God given abilities, worked hard and prospered.  I have over decades built a business that is very rewarding for me personally where I can assist others in finding their own career in transportation.  I am thrilled with the scores of testimonials we get from students about learning so much and being incredibly inspired by our teaching team.  

Be thankful for what you have. Enjoy your Monday holiday doing what you enjoy best.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach



Happy Fourth of July

We live in a great country.  As far as I'm concerned it is the greatest country in the planet.  We have faults but we have more freedoms. This weekend as we celebrate our independence we can't forget the brave men and women who have served in our military.  Enjoy time with your friends and family but also reach out to a veteran or someone currently serving in a branch of the military.

Brooke Transportation Training is an approved Chapter 31 program approved to train disabled vets for a new career.  As a result I have the honor of saying thanks in person to scores of brave individuals who have given a part of themselves in service to the USA.

I ask them to tell me their stories if they are comfortable doing that.  For many, serving in the military was their only option as a job when they graduated from high school.  Once they are in the service they never know how or where they will serve.  Some leave behind children and wives, all leave behind family and friends.  They return to find many things changed.  Their children and siblings have grown and moved forward in life while they were away.  They have to get reacquainted with their spouses, this is a challenge to both.  And they have to find a new way to make a living.  We relish the opportunity to work with vets everyday as they move forward after serving our great country.

Independence Day is a day to celebrate our country... The freedoms we enjoy... The men and women who protect those freedoms.  

Enjoy the long weekend and thank a vet.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

Thank a Vet on this Fourth

A Vet and her faithful friend on the 4th

How will you spend this Fourth of July weekend?  At  the lake, boating, cooking out with friends and family while watching or setting off  fireworks?

Remember the vets who fought for and continue to fight for our country.  The land of the free and the home of the brave. Think about what a disabled vet suffering from PTSD thinks of as the fireworks blast off all around.   

God Bless our Vets.  I am blessed to have met and become friends with some of these brave souls. Helping them learn how to work from home is my mission.   Theses men and women are my heroes.  Be safe. Hug your love ones.  Say thanks to our honored military.  Freedom isn’t Free!   God bless America.  

Happy Fourth

 Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


A Father's Role

The father in any family sets the tone or culture for that family.  He should be a role model, a mentor, an encourager and a challenger.  Yet many of us and many in our community have not lived up to that role.  Well...It is never too late.  Start now being one other's look up to.


At Brooke Training we try to go beyond teaching the transportation industry, we strive to be role models, mentors, encouragers and challengers to the people we are privileged to meet.

So on this Father's Day, I wonder who (in addition to your biological parents) has invested in you? Who has discerned wounds in your spirit? Who has taken you "home" for a season of listening and redirection? Who has taken a back seat to your own growth? Who is it that is always, always "in your corner"?

Or it may be that you now find yourself ready to pour some of that overflow into others who see you as their mentor, a parent, a friend. You honor those who have invested in you when you invest in others that God brings your way.

May this weekend be a time of gratitude for the opportunities we all have to mentor and be mentored by the men in our families and those who need a father figure.  I will spend time with my three girls, my 4 granddaughters and my beautiful bride.  I am blessed beyond measure.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


Big Money in Dispatch/Intermodal

I'm happy to announce our newest consulting offering:  

Dispatch and Intermodal (Rail) Consulting

Make more money and run an efficient operation by learning to be an expert dispatcher with Intermodal transportation knowledge from Consultants Tish Cozine and Jeff Roach.  



Learn Dispatch


A dispatcher is needed in virtually every area of transportation.   


You are the right-hand man of a freight broker, owner-operator, freight forwarder and trucking company.  A dispatcher is adept at handling all the behind the scenes work involved in getting freight moved.  


A trucking company uses dispatchers to find loads for their trucks.  They may have a one-way load and call on the dispatcher to fill the truck on the way back.  This is a critical role for the carrier because they make no money on a “dead head” or a route with an empty or no trailer.  

Learn how to professionally handle the logistics, paperwork, load boards and more.   Dispatchers work both independently and as employees of freight brokers, carriers and manufacturers.  



Learn Intermodal


Gain skills in the use of several forms of transportation to get a load moved to the destination.  During this 3 day consultation  learn  how to convert a 53' van shipments to a 53' intermodal container.   Learn the ins and outs on how to operate the business.  Learn step-by-step best practices in intermodal transportation.  

Some things covered in this consultation:  

• Rail 101
• Door to Door Defined.
• The benefits of Intermodal
• Proper Intermodal Container Loading Procedure
• What is Transloading? 
• Rail Terminology
• Rating/Dispatching

Tish brings over 12 years of experience moving freight across the railroads and would love to share that knowledge with you.   She truly is the best in the country, she does this work every day so she knows what she is teaching.  Jeff Roach has been in the transportation industry for 3 decades, first in dispatch, then sales, starting a brokerage and now Brooke Training.  Jeff has a wealth of knowledge.  He knows how the various areas of the transportation industry mesh.

They will coach you on how to develop the discipline needed to be a success, make money and fulfill your dreams.   Outpace your competition being well equipped to face the opportunities with knowledge and enthusiasm.  


If you're interested in learning a new skill, growing your business financially and be able to provide another mode of transportation to your customer, contact us today for this 3 day consultation.   

To join this exciting opportunity call:




Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

Best Experience Ever

Excited to start a new career?  These recent graduates certainly are.  We have some amazing instructors that put their heart into training new freight brokers.  Below are some recent reviews of the basic freight broker course led by instructor Vinny:

 Great experience and very informative.  I would highly recommend. I thought it would be very boring and dreadful but IT WAS NOT!!  Can't wait to get started!  Thanks "Cousin" Vinny!!  Andrea Andrus

Class blew my mind!!!!  In a good way, haha.  Vinny is without a doubt the best instructor I have ever encountered.  This class was very interactive and very highly influential.  If you are looking for a Freight Broker class, TAKE THIS ONE!!

Very informative class. Mr. Vinnie was very thorough and had a friendly and positive attitude and display vast knowledge of the course.  I highly recommend to those who are looking to get in the freight broker business.  Derrick W. Walker

The training was loaded with so much valuable information.  Vinny was so knowledgeable and quite entertaining!  The class has been such a great insight to the freight broker/logistics business.  Jason White

I enjoyed the class and learned a whole lot.  It was very informative.  I learned way more than I expected.  Allen Walker

Amazing training with lots of resources, information, techniques and knowledge on the industry.  Vinny is the best. Danna Elliott

I did not know what to expect coming into the training, but I was very impressed with the knowledge I gained from the instructor and the guest speakers.  I am so hoppy to complete the course with the confidence knowing that I will be able to start my own brokerage business and continue to contact them throughout my career. 

I must say this was an amazing class and Vinny is just awesome.  I highly recommend this class to anyone interested in taking it!!!

I would highly recommend this training...I absolutely loved my instructor, Vinny!  Worth every penny.

This class definitely exceeded my expectations.  It was very informative and engaging.  Most virtual classes are power points and a bunch of talking from the instructor but Vinny kept the atmosphere light and fun. If you are looking for a freight broker/agent class then this is your ONE STOP SHOP!!!  I can't wait to take the advanced course.

This class was very informative...a must have if you are planning on taking this career path...the instructor kept us involved and was very helpful and wise in this field.  Tee Jay

The best experience ever.  Vinny is a wonderful instructor and made the class fun and run smoothly.  I'm ready to be a Freight Broker.

Great Training!  Mr. Vinny is an amazing instructor,  very knowledgeable and helpful!  This course definitely helped me get my business started and I really appreciate it!

Those are words from real people who just finished the course with Vinny.  Learn freight brokering, enjoy the process, and leave with a new path in life. We are so honored by the amazing students who are grateful and inspired by our course. 

Take the course live, remote live or online.  Come get inspired and learn a new career in a week.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


A Freight Broker Success Story

 Joy Lanham is a true Brooke Training success story.  

She took the Freight Broker Training class in 2019 and hit the ground running.  She earned more than she could have inmagined her first year as a broker.  Her background prepared her for this home run.


She services a “very niche” customer base, she moves sand…lots and lots of sand.  For years, Joy worked in oilfield services, in fracking and in investor relations in eight locations.  She learned how to juggle a lot of balls without a mishap.


After her time in the oil field industry she started several businesses from ladies apparel to virtual assistance for entrepreneurs.  Joy has a ‘can do’ spirit that has served her well.


Now her passion is freight brokering.  Her brokerage is Last Mile Logistics.  When an oil well is drilled, frac sand is pumped in the last mile of the drilling hole to help produce oil. Last Mile’s main client stores sand and delivers the sand needed to the drilling locations.  The client has their own fleet of trucks but often need more truckloads of sand for a project.  That is where Joy comes in.  She and her team of brokers starts “dialing for dollars”… calling all her trusted carriers.  She fulfills her client’s carrier needs and everyone benefits.  She listens to her carriers and pays them on time.


Joy has developed a great relationship with carrier owners and their dispatch personnel. The mutually beneficial, trusting relationship she builds are the key to her success.  She first and foremost respects the drivers.  They risk their lives every day on the nation’s highways.  Big Rigs operators are professional drivers.  They pay intense attention to the road and the cars around them.  Drivers of cars are often distracted, so the big wheels watch out for them.  


Joy has plans to expand into water hauling, chemical hauling, and hauling materials like pipe and construction products.  Have questions?  Call her at 682-300-5767.  


Want to learn how to find success like Joy?  Join Brooke in one of live, live remote or online classes.   


Moving forward,


Jeff Roach


Who Do You Listen To?

One voice says, "you are a winner."  Another claims, "you aren't college material".  

Those were two voices in my past.  I had to choose to believe the voice that told me I could be successful... along time before I actually achieved success.  To this day I am amazed at the incredible life, family and business I enjoy every day.   My desire is to help others along in their pursuit of success.

I was interviewed by Faith Washington and spoke about the crucial encouragement I got from the amazing woman who told me I was a winner.  I am now honored to have the opportunity to pay it forward.  We have many disabled vets come through our freight broker training course.  Many of them have a similar story to mine.  

Watch my time with Faith:

I invite you to come to our Brooke Transportation Training.  We teach skills but more importantly we inspire all our students towards success.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

Jacksonville Freight Broker Class was a Blast


                        Excited Graduates in Freight Broker Training
Jacksonville, Florida has a great new group of freight broker/ agents on the loose.  Susie Moore instructed this lively group.  Here's what they said about the class, Susie and their zeal for a new career as a freight broker:


The Brooke Transportation Training was wonderful.  I love it.  I learned something new.   She taught me something I never learned at school.  thank you very much.  Marc-Kendal Farlier


If you are new to the transportation industry, Brooke Training Solutions will provide the foundation needed to be a successful, persistent, and prepared freight broker/agent.  – Chana Mathieu


The Brooke class training was very good for me.  It was very informative and interesting.  I learned about myself, industry trucking and most of all broker business.  – Shella Pierre



I’m so happy for this week I spent to learn freight broker; freight agent with Susie who has a lot of knowledge.  I thank God for her and I’ll be like her.  –Princilorme Vilgue


It was a great experience with Brooke Transportation Training Solutions, LLC.  I’ve learned a lot more than what I expected from teach Susie.  “She’s the Best!!  -- Mat Mathieu


I testify I enjoyed the class with instructor Suzie Moore, who had the adequate knowledge to teach us.  I had the chance to ask questions.  It was a very interesting week of education.  –Erline Aloridor


Brooke Transportation Training is a huge source of information and development for the skills necessary to move freight in this country.   –Andre L. Huogins


Ms. Susan Moore delivered an amazing presentation all week.  The class was very informative.  I feel she gave us the tools and resources to be successful.  One of the best instructors I have met.  Thank you so much!!—Markeysha Anthony


Susie Moore showed me a lot of things about the broker aspect.  She is a very good teacher.  I would love to talk to her in the months to come.  –Mark Arthoy



In summary the class was wonderful, foundational, informative, amazing and fun.

Thanks Susie.  Congrats graduates.  Go out and do what you learned.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach






Awesome Freight Broker Training with Susie

                                    Graduates of Brooke Training ready to rock the Freight Broker world

Rockhill, SC students rave about transportation instructor Susie Moore.  She is one of Brooke's amazing team of instructors.   She is committed to excellence and it shows.  She has been in this industry for decades, yet her teaching is fresh and up to date.  We are so thankful to have her on our team.  Here’s what a recent group said about their experience:  

Excellent, informative class!  I truly enjoyed instructor Susie. She had an extreme knowledge and wisdom about this course, and she created individual bonds with each of her students.  This class and Susie exceeded ALL of my expectations.  Awesome instructor!!! --Christy Crowder

Ms Susie Moore is awesome, knowledgeable and kind. I know that what she taught the class should help our broker/agent career.  Thank you.  --Robin Shaver Spencer


Mrs Susie Moore has been a great help in this learning process.  Made it so easy to learn and made it fun.  Have gained a lot of knowledge in one week.  A great teacher! --Corry Brown


Instructor Susie Moore was awesome!!  She gave a ton of information concerning the freight brokering business that I can use for a life time.  Love Mrs. Susie--Heather Jackson


Thank you for all the good information on this course.  Susie was very good teacher, very sweet.  I’ve learned so much about broker training thanks to her.  I am ready for the world.  THANK YOU.  

 --Anthony Spencer


My instructor was Susie!  She’s amazing!  Very Informative!  Knows the book inside and out.  Also knowledgeable abou the industry so was able to tell relateable stories to keep us informed and entertained at the same time.  She made returning to school easy.  Thank you!  


Jennifer Boyd

Sign up today to learn freight brokering in a week.  The Sky is the limit.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach



I Just Learned a Great Career

Here are a couple of videos from some thankful students of Brooke's Freight Broker Course taught by our excellent, very experienced, fun and brilliant instructor Susie Moore.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

Meet Julie

 When you call in to Brooke Training, Julie will most likely answer the phone.   

You will thoroughly enjoy talking to her.  She has a true love for people that is evident in her conversations with everyone that calls in.  She's not a high pressure sales women.  She's a women who has spent her life helping others find their way in life.  When a prospective student calls in she's never in a rush.  She takes the time to hear the life story of the caller and advise them on how to improve their life and their career.  She retired from school administration, so she understands education and people's need to find fulfillment in work.  She loves working at Brooke.  She knows the benefits students get from the training we offer.

So if you need some encouragement, are looking for a new career or a class to take that will inspire you to greater heights give Brooke Training a call.  Julie will probably answer anytime of the day or night.  She doesn't like anyone to get voicemail.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach


Resurrection Day is Coming

This week Christians, all over the world, reflect on Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s last week on earth.  Thursday night was a remembrance of when Jesus and his disciples had their last supper together, the Passover meal.  They broke bread and drank wine.  Those two elements have since been a reminder of Christ’s body and blood sacrificed for all of mankind.   


Today is Good Friday, reflecting the day Christ was sacrificed on a cross for the forgiveness of sins to all who believe.   It was a rough, confusing day for those closest to Jesus.  It seemed to be a tragic day for them when they witnessed the death of  their friend Jesus, the man they put their hope in. Jesus had predicted and told them all that would happen, yet they didn’t understand.  It was unbelievable, but it happened.  Even Jesus didn’t want to die that way, but he chose to because He loved mankind.


But that is not the end of the story.


On Sunday morning when ladies came to the tomb to anoint Jesus body in the Jewish tradition, Jesus body was gone.  The only thing left in the tomb were the burial wrappings that had been on his body.   He had said he would rise from the dead and it appeared that he did.  It is quite a story.    Yet 2000+ years later millions have believed and lived their life trusting in Jesus and His love.


I don’t ever want to offend anyone that has a different belief, that is not my intention.  I enjoy listening to and respecting the beliefs of others.


Enjoy these days to celebrate time with family,  laugh as the little ones hunt for eggs and get extra rest.  Let’s seek peace for all of mankind.


Moving forward,


Jeff Roach


 This week Christians all over the world have reflect on Jesus last week on earth.  Last night was a remembrance time of when Jesus and his disciples had their last supper together, the Passover meal.  The broke bread together as a 

Great Career Training

                 Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center in Garland, Texas


Everyone loves a good story.  This one starts when I met a couple of men who stand tall among men.  The work they do will have a grand impact on the future. 


 Joe Guiterrez,  and Coleman Bruman are a principle and a teacher who really care about their students in Garland Independent School District.


Brooke Training was asked to come and talk to the phenomenal students of Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center.  We were very honored to be invited.  It was a great day.  We had a wonderful time with lots of laughs.  Tish Cozine, one of our amazing instructors, demonstrated to the students how to be a freight broker.  In 15 minutes she closed a deal on a load while all the students watched in awe.  The load was tendered, she covered it and dispatched the driver.  The kids actually helped her with the posting of the loads, rating, and sending over rate confirmation.  In class that day they were doing the real job of a freight broker and loving it.  They learned the exact process we teach in our freight broker training course. 


Tish shared with the class that she had 45 other loads like that one that she will handle in the next week and every week until further notice.  That is residual freight, freight that goes on the same truck or trucking company every week.  That is the kind of freight all brokers love. The students used their math skills to figure out how much money she would make that next week based on the deal Tish just brokered.     The students were enthusiastic, respectful and eager to learn.  They saw the value of good, honest work, professional dealing and negotiating. 


I see a bright future for these students.  At Brooke we hope to have more opportunities to interact with high school students interested in great careers in the transportation industry. They can prepare for a prosperous future online as a freight broker/agent, dispatch, supply chain, green supply chain and entrepreneur courses.  


If you know of a career center that would enjoy this presentation, give me a call.

Moving forward,


Jeff Roach'






Bilingual Freight Broker

                                    Monica Jaramillo, Excellent Freight Broker Trainer

Our group of instructors are top notched.  Monica Jaramillo instructs our basic freight broker training as well as our advanced classes in Spanish and English.  Her training skills are incredible.  She is patient, thorough and enjoyable.  Spanish fluency is a big bonus in the transportation industry. Many professionals are Hispanic and we do a lot of trade with Spanish speaking countries.  Learn a new career or hone your skills in freight brokering with Monica.  Here is what a recent graduate said about learning from Monica:

I took the freight broker/agent training course at Brooke Transportation Training Solutions with Monica Jaramillo as my instructor. I found this course very helpful with lots of information. Monica is a great instructor! She gave me many examples so I could understand the process of how this business works. I am bilingual and she helped me in both languages. I am very happy with her for helping me with the whole process.  I am looking forward to start working now because of this course I feel more confident. I think this course is great and I would recommend it to whoever would like to work in this line of work. Thank you!  

Call with any questions or to sign up today.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach



Fishing Freight Broker

A great advantage of being a freight broker or freight broker agent is being able to work anywhere with conductivity.   I love fishing, especially at Florida's beautiful white sand beaches and in their turquoise waters.

When I need a fishing excursion to clear my cobwebs, I plan a trip.  I take my phone and my computer with me, get a place that has a good internet connection and I'm good to go.  I can do my work and enjoy some refreshing sea air at the same time.

I believe that atmosphere is very important for mental health.  Working from home is a great perk but can get lonely.  Most of America learned to work from home this past year.  It is important to have a work/home/play balance.  That became a bit of a challenge when home was the workplace.  Since I've been working from home for years it was not an adjustment for me.  

In our freight broker training course we teach the skills needed to be successful as a freight broker.  We also share a plethora of advice on how to work from home, how to have that work life balance, how to stay focussed and inspired.  We give detailed information on how to structure the day.  You learn how to set goals with a mission statement for your business.

Being an entrepreneur is exhilarating when you see your plans falling into place.  Each day you succeed in hitting goals you are more inspired to continue on.

We are so proud of the success we see in our graduates.  We would love to take you along for the ride.  Our testimonials say it all.  Read a few, or watch them on video.  Our graduates are not only inspired for their new career they gain new inspiration for life.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

Honor Our Veterans

We have the great honor of meeting many veterans.  Since we are certified to train disabled vets through our school, we spend quality time with these heroes.   These are amazing individuals with a perspective on life that has taught me so much about humility and commitment.  

Our mantra is to "help the go-getters and the go-givers".  Veterans are both.  They have actively served our country with their lives and given so much muscle and brain power to the peacekeeping mission of the military. We have a compassion for Veterans.  Many come from challenging backgrounds and have no other option for their life than to sign up to serve.  They did what they needed to get the government benefits of service, which includes training in a new career.  We take that benefit very seriously.  We know it was not earned easily.  What an honor to be a part of their new journey. 

I actually started my adulthood in a similar same spot.  I thought I had no future because I didn't have the brains nor the money to go to college.  I thought I would live a paycheck to paycheck, barely squeaking by.  With the help of God, some teachers who believed in me and my amazing wife I have found success.  I try to never take that for granted.  My success is a gift I want to share with others.  

In order to be certified to train military we completed a lot of reports.  My wife, Janis has spent countless hours preparing immaculate reports.  We are regularly audited which requires large amounts of documentation.  She stays on top of all of this so we can continue to train these men and women of integrity. 

We have a group of freight brokers who are at our door every course wanting to hire our veteran graduates to become agents.  These guys don't call in sick.

Probably the most important thing we teach them is how to be an entrepreneur.  We teach what they should do every day between 8-9 a.m. then what they should do from 9-10 a.m. and so on through out the day.  So many end up in grateful tears because they have never been taught these things.   Gratitude is the healthiest of emotions.

My promise to veterans is that everyone associated with Brooke Training finds it a great honor and privilege to work with vets.  We thank you for your service and would love to have you in our class.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach

Good Vibe Class


                                                Excited Freight Broker Training Graduates 

Susie Moore instructed an energetic group of professionals this month.  They walk away with a certificate and a brain packed with knowledge and inspiration.  We wish you all grand success in this new venture into the world of transportation.  Read through their thoughts on the course:

With this course I plan on becoming an agent for a couple of years.  I have learned so much that I didn’t  know,  within this short period of time.  But  a Brokerage Firm is where I’m headed.  – Croshanda Covington


This course has been a great experience.  It has taught me the basics of starting my brokerage.   It gave me each step and also gave templates of all documents.  The instructor was awesome.  Marquita McLain


Susie was awesome! She was engaging, full of energy and was able to keep me going!  This class was definitely in depth and left me feeling ready to move toward my business goals.  Nyasia DeVerger



I love the class.  Good and professional presentation of the industry. Very knowledgeable, professional instructor.  Leonard Sufweman


Mrs. Susie Moore was a delight to be my instructor.  I loved her energy, vibe and attitude.  Mrs Susie mesmerized us with her vast knowledge and inspirational guides.  I fee like I learned a lot in these 5 days.  Definitely an inspiration.  –Emory Johnson


Our Freight Broker Beginner course is one week long.  The value lasts a life time.  Our instructors are dynamic, as you can tell in these reviews.  Join us for a live or online course.  The sky is the limit with freight broker training.

Moving forward,

Jeff Roach
